Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tony Hawk: RIDE set to thrill

The skateboard is one mode of transport that tends to lean more towards the hardcore segment of the population as there is a huge international scene behind it. Well, for those who prefer to experience the thrills minus the spills, here’s the new Tony Hawk: RIDE game from Activision Publishing which will require the gamer to play physically using an innovative motion sensing skateboard controller. We’re guessing seasoned skaters will find this to be much easier to use compared to those who have even yet to try out the Wii Balance Board.

Tony Hawk: RIDE features a wireless skateboard controller designed in conjunction with the game to offer a dynamic gaming experience built from the ground up. Using a combination of accelerometers and motion sensors, the intuitive controller allows players to physically control the action by performing various movements and gestures on the board that directly translate into amazing tricks in the game. Without complex button combinations or analog sticks, gamers of all skill levels can literally step on the board and play!

Those who are interested can check out Tony Hawk: RIDE when it arrives later this year - just make sure you’re rocking to an Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii consoles.

1 comment:

  1. Any one can be Tony Hawk with this gadgets. Cool gadgets.


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