Friday, July 3, 2009

Page - 2 Nintendo's Wii Zapper: New age gaming gun

Those 8-bit video game consoles have been every kid’s favorite pass-time in the early 90s. I’m sure kids of those times can remember the wired guns used to shoot ducks and clay discs. Mario was without no doubt best game of that era and was pretty famous back then and many people enjoy it still now. And wired gun were the best and most stylish things to use. Nintendo is back with the concept and has totally revolutionized the idea.

Nintendo’s Wii console has been in the news for all good reasons; the level of human-game interaction WiiMote provides is match to no other. With Wii Zapper (Wii gun) WiiMote will get another add on to the list.

Wii Zapper is white colored and goes with the WiiMote theme, its design is like that of a sub-machine gun. The Zapper uses WiiMote’s controls for the functionality as WiiMote settles on the top of Wii Zapper. It is designed for best shooting experience and retails for USD 20 and comes with ‘Link’s Crossbow Training’ Game.

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