Sunday, July 5, 2009

ATI Radeon HD 4890 breaks 1GHz barrier

Gamers will tell you that it is all about the speed with every single bit of special effects cranked up to the maximum without losing a single frame, but unfortunately for the average man on the street, purchasing a couple or even three of such high-end video cards places a great strain on the monthly budget, which is why high-end video cards are never the main bread-and-butter products for companies that churn them out, although they are great technological breakthroughs and examples worth drooling over. AMD’s recent launch of the ATI Radeon HD 4890 graphics card that was touted to be the most powerful graphics processor in the world is now even better, as AMD has made available a factory overclocked graphics processor which will be the first of its kind to break the 1GHz barrier using nothing but standard air-cooling solutions.

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